Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day Three (Let's Go Gorge Tubing!)

Today we visited the town of Elora, not far from Waterloo. Mom managed to find a store that sold cauliflower and broccoli chips, as well as asparagus salsa. Not sure if they'll be any good, but I'm game to try them...
Elora is beautiful, full of old style architecture. It is surrounded by farms and Mennonite communities.

Downtown Elora

Then we went tubing in the river in a nearby park. Very fun. Afterwards we were really hungry, so we went to St Jacobs for lunch, where I found an excellent discount bookstore. I bought one called Making Angels.

After we got back to Aunt Elaine and Uncle Dan's the rest of our family finally arrived. So, currently staying at there house with three bedrooms and one bathroom are: Aunt Elaine, Unlce Dan, Matt, Erika, Rob, Frances, Mom, Dad, Geoff, Me, Aunt Linda, Uncle Steven, Stephanie and Susanne. Oh, and one dog and two cats. Even with the tent trailer it's a little squishy...

Can't wait for the wedding tomorrow!

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