From Friday:
Can you believe it's been almost six months since I've started blogging? This is getting ridiculous, ha ha.
Today JY, MC and I visited our high school. It was great to see all of our old teachers. Especially now that they're not our teachers, if you know what I mean. I surprised them all by saying that IB was worth it, which in turn surprised me. Wasn't that what they were telling us all along? Yeesh. ;)
JY and I parted ways with MC, then traveled (spontaneously) via bus to Spring Garden Road. Our stops included TD, many shoe stores and an art supply shop, where I finally purchased that gold paint I've been whining about. On another note, Sunfish is finished. I just have to take a picture.
Before we knew it suppertime had arrived. We went to a favourite cafe of mine, called Saege. It is now a favourite of JY as well. I think we were the only people there under 40, but still lovely.
And we've made plans for Halloween! I'm so excited! Dad dropped off my costume and various extras today so I'm all set.
Today JY, MC and I visited our high school. It was great to see all of our old teachers. Especially now that they're not our teachers, if you know what I mean. I surprised them all by saying that IB was worth it, which in turn surprised me. Wasn't that what they were telling us all along? Yeesh. ;)
JY and I parted ways with MC, then traveled (spontaneously) via bus to Spring Garden Road. Our stops included TD, many shoe stores and an art supply shop, where I finally purchased that gold paint I've been whining about. On another note, Sunfish is finished. I just have to take a picture.
Before we knew it suppertime had arrived. We went to a favourite cafe of mine, called Saege. It is now a favourite of JY as well. I think we were the only people there under 40, but still lovely.
And we've made plans for Halloween! I'm so excited! Dad dropped off my costume and various extras today so I'm all set.

Saege Interior