Monday, August 30, 2010

Phone Rings, Plans Change

I think I would have liked my great grandmother, if I'd ever had the opportunity to meet her. She did things like juggle eggs well into her eighties, supposedly to keep her mind sharp. And she baked awesome lemon squares (one of my favourite treats).

According to my mother, she also had a great attitude towards life. No matter what happened, she did her best to stay upbeat. Being very involved in the comunity, she rarely had a day all to herself. Whenever the phone would ring, she would announce cheerfully "Oops, my life has changed!" and drop what she was working on at the moment without resentment.

I guess what I'm saying is I want to be more like her someday. So when Sobeys called this morning, asking if I could work the hours I planned to go costume shopping, I agreed and tried not to let my disappointment show.

Oops. My life has changed.

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