Sunday, August 29, 2010

Only a Day Away

The count down has begun! 62 days, 2 hours, and 58 minutes until Halloween.

For those who haven't yet come to this conclusion, Halloween is a big deal in my life. You might even say it's a bit of unhealthy obsession. But hey, costumes, candy and horror movies? Who wouldn't love it?!?

That, by the way, is a rhetorical question. My own mother is less than enthusiastic about this particular holiday. She puts up with it because she loves me, and because I tolerate her preoccupation with all things Christmas, haha. Runs in the family perhaps? Although my father and brother seem to have escaped this characteristic...hmmmm...

Anyway, I do have a reason for bringing up Halloween when it's only the end of August. All true aficionados of this great day know that if you want to get the components of a truly wicked costume, you have to start shopping early. Which is why tomorrow afternoon Geoffrey and I are hitting every Value Village and Frenchys in a 100km radius.

I'm planning on going as Little Orphan Annie. Maybe. I tried to convince Geoff to shave his head and dress as Daddy Warbucks, but he didn't go for it. Can't imagine why... ;) I guess the days of our brother-sister costume combinations have come and gone. Drat.

Oh well, at least he's wearing a costume this year. Last year he didn't. He's going to be Igor Gouzenko. But with a flowered pillowcase so he doesn't get mistaken for a KKK member. That would be bad.

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