Thursday, January 13, 2011

Welcome Winter.

The snow has finally started to stick over the past week or so. Last weekend Geoffrey and I went sledding with the dog! Maybe we are a little too old for it, but the kids across the street were sledding and it looked like so much fun, we couldn't resist!

Geoffrey is getting so independent. Even though the track he made ended in a collision with a large maple, he refused to use mine and just kept crashing into the tree again...and again...and again...until he finally diverted the path. It was pretty funny actually...

And Winnie loves sledding! She hops onto my lap and we go down together! I have a video of it, maybe I'll be able to figure out how to upload it later.

Last night we got a bit of a blizzard, although by now there's only about 5 cm on the ground. Everyone was hoping for a snow day but it's classes as usual at Dal.

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