Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Years Pass Like Seconds Out Here.

I don't know if I've mentioned this before, but my goal in going to university is first to get my BSc, then go to Vet College and become a DMV. Seems a little weird that I've been keeping this blog for more than half a year and I never wrote about my career goals, but there you go, haha.

Anyway, today I went to career counseling to see what exactly needs doing. The list is staggering:
Take following courses:
Genetics - nope.
Microbiology - nope.
Two Animal Biology Electives - no.
Math General - yes!
Math Statistics - not yet.
Organic Chemistry - nope.
Two Chem Electives - nope.
Physics - as of right now? ...nope.
English Composition - yes!
English Elective - no...
Three Humanities or Social Sciences - once again, no.
Five Electives - 2/5 done.

Waaaaaaaah!!!! T_T

Oh well, if it was easy everyone would do it I guess. I'll still do my best! *fist pump*
And if nothing else, I'll be an exceptionally well educated dog walker. *sigh*

P.s: I know this is repetition, but seriously - I LOVE turtles. Sorry the picture is small, that was the biggest I could make it...

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