When I was a little girl at the time of year ideal for brush burning, my mother says I would practically chain myself to any dead or dying tree my father wanted to cut down. Nothing they said about the 'health of the forest' could persuade me that the tree wouldn't mind being killed. I told them that the same argument could be used to justify yearly murdering several hundred people. Yes, they die. But those who survive will be much happier with greater access to resources, so it was for the good of all. I remember crying a lot in the early spring and late fall of every year. Things such as tree funerals and slamming bedroom doors were common place.
I'm a little less dramatic now. I get the whole health of the forest thing, although it still bugs me when they want to cut down a hemlock because it's deformed and ugly. And it really bugs me when they build the brush fire on top of the root system of a nearby, perfectly healthy maple which subsequently dies. But they make consessions to soothe the angry mob. They promissed to plant some birch saplings to take the place of those they cut down. So I am pacified.
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