Monday, March 15, 2010

Family Visits

I never really stress about getting old. It doesn't strike me as the tragedy that many make it out to be. But when I visited Antigonish, I saw my grandmother for the first time since she left the hospital and I thought "I don't want to get old like that."
She's hardly mobile. I'm terrified one of these days she's going to kill herself trying to get up the two flights of stairs to apartement. She's never been particularly organized, but now she's so scatterbrained. She's forgetting to take her pills, and when her next doctor's appointment is. Last year she forgot my dad's birthday, and she's not eating. She refuses to call her doctor.
Her children treat her like she's a child. All through the visit I kept hearing the adults muttering things like 'second opinion' and 'in home care'.
I hate the thought that I might be like that by 75. When I go, I want to go kicking.

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