School and I have an uneasy relationship. I do my assignments on time, and I don't get burried under mountains of homework. School gives me several breakes throughout the year, and I refrain from whineing constantly. Hmmm. . . who's winning here?
Today was your usual day. Class after class filled with the sleep inducing drone of teachers trying their very hardest to make sure that certain points on the curriculum are seared forever in our memories. Or at least untill exams are over.
Your frees are the time when you are expected to prepare to put these little nuggets of information to good use in the form of essays, presentations, orals, tests, quizes and of course the dreaded IB exams.
I probably don't use the time as well as I should. My frees are usually spent reading, socializing, occasionally cramming and, more often than not, distracting M.C. from her German homework.
Today we discovered that we both feel that Natasha in War and Peace should have just married Andre. I mean, he was a very honourable, kind, (not to mention studly) Russian. It's not that hard to reach the conclusion that he is way better than Pierre or that other dude. I was ever so slightly consoled when I learned that Audrey Hepburn married the actor who played Andre in real life. But still.
I picked Geoffie up from school today. Our ride home included the decision that bullfrog should be used as a verb, and that professor Snape slaps people when he introduces himself. "Call me Snape. On the other hand...*slap*"
The best part of my day was when Geoff did this impression of Miley Sirus/Hannah Montanna as The Hulk.
Hannah Montanna: "I'm starting to feel musical. You won't like me when I'm musical!"
Rips her face off. Underneath is Miley, singing 'Party in the USA'.
This is probably only funny when done with the voice of a fifteen year old boy trying to mimic her and experiencing the phenominon known as 'the voice crack'.
On a completely different note, I was listening to CBC the other day (I know, I know. Not my first choice either.) and they were interviewing this mortician's assistant. He described the process of sorting through bones after cremation as soothing and meditative. He also said that trying to dress a corpse is like trying to put a sweater on a tree. Not the easiest thing in the owrld.
I thought this was funny. Everyone else in the car thought it was morbid. Clearly my sense of humour has a dark side...