Friday, June 3, 2011

Love It.

NOTE: Sorry this re-posted. I am a chronic editor, and APPARENTLY if you change a post title it gets moved to the top of your feed. So yes. This properly belongs in May.

Finally, my three years slaving away over a hot pizza oven at Sobeys have paid off. In a big way.

Are you curious? You should be.

I bought a sailboat this week. I'm only so excited I can barely tear myself away from it. It was $650 on Kijiji, and it's the best purchase I have ever made, hands down. I responded 11 hours after it was posted aha.

Here are some pictures of my precious. It's name is Ginger, for obvious reasons. I don't even mind that black flies and incessant rain have been holding it hostage ever since I brought it home! :)

The day before my boat and I found each other, I was out walking Winnie. At one point she stopped to sniff a post and when I looked down at my feet I happened to find a four leaf clover. At the time I thought it was kind of neat, and pressed it in one of my heavy sailing books.

I am now a believer. All hail the four leaf clover. You will find me this weekend scouring my lawn for more and sticking them in books where people win the lottery or find buried treasure. Wish me luck! ;)

P.S: Thanks to the old-ish army dude who sold it to me. Hope Hamilton works out for you.

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