Sunday, May 29, 2011

Please be Patient With Me...

I have been working very hard this last little while. So hard that I have wound up with a backlog of unpublished posts.

These will include sand hippos, insta-bands and tales from the tall ship. I hope you will understand as I finish some editing details before putting them up.

Hopefully we will be caught up by Wednesday...

Also quickly, NM passed the final threshold into adulthood last week! Congratulations my friend. You survived the IB program, first year university and the Rapture. Being legally allowed to drink beer is, in my opinion, the least the world can do. ;)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Bath Day.

Winnie and I were lying nose to nose on the deck earlier this week in the sun after her first outdoor bath of the year. On what felt like the first sunny day of the year haha. Odd then that I decided to make this picture black and white? Perhaps.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Good Things Come In Threes?

So, my cousin Erika (mother to baby Frankie) and her boyfriend Rob have just bought a sailboat as well!!! A Tanzer 22 for those of you who know your boats. Or those of you with Google.

They still have to learn how to sail, but are planning longer excursions in future leading up to an eventual trade-in for a bigger boat (!!!) and a two year sail around the world!

And guess who they've invited along as their third?

We're talking at least five years away here, but still. Best. Cousins. Ever.

If there was an award, they would get it. Maybe I will make them one. Out of macaroni. Because nothing says love and gratitude more than a gluey mass of uncooked pasta.

That's what moms worldwide would have us believe anyway. :)

p.s: Sorry for the sailor-ish trend of this blog lately. Normal content will resume when I come back down to Earth.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


My most recent painting, yay! It's not a great picture of it, but I'm pretty happy with the final outcome. I am, however, debating changing the red boarder to a celery green. Probably won't though.

This one only took me one whole year to finish! My chronic procrastination is improving, haha.

It's part of a series actually, the first installment of which is posted here.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Welcome to History.

This has been a fairly eventful week, and I wanted to capture some of the highlights for when I look back on this place years from now.


Dear future me,

First off was the royal wedding. If you don't recall, it was kind of a big deal.

You liked making fun of the hats. Among other things, of course.

Then they caught and killed Osama Bin Laden after 10 years of trying.

Although PM Harper usually makes your brain vomit whenever he speaks, you thought that his official statement regarding Canada's reaction to the news (i.e. "sober satisfaction") was appropriate.

Finally, you voted for the first time. Harper got a majority. Though I won't remind you how you voted, I will say you were less than pleased with the results.

Oh, and you worked on the Silva pretty much every day.

Hope all is well with you. As I'm sure you know, I'm doing alright.

I'll be seeing you,
