Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Yay! I'm back! Did you miss me? I missed you.

Classes started last week. Here's the run-down as of now:

Evolution: Love it so far, the prof is fantastic, but our first lab (later today in fact) is working with flies. And I'm kind of grossed out by all bugs. Even butterflies sometimes. So we'll see how this goes.

Cell Bio: Class is super boring, but the labs are most enjoyable. And my partner actually does work, which is a plus!

Diversity of Life: Favourite class so far. Haven't had lab yet.

Chem: Soooo easy. Which is a good thing.

Physics: I am still slightly (okay very) wary of this class. The first two classes have been pretty straight forward, but I'm kind of afraid to let my guard down.

As some may have noticed, these are all science courses. Which means five labs and a very packed schedule. But I'm happy overall. :)

I'm still working on the Silva a minimum of three days per week. We go until the end of October (Halloween cruise!). The crew has become like my second family, and as the season comes to an end and some go back to school or find other jobs, I'm finding it very difficult to say goodbye. Many are planning to come back next year though!

Haha, only September and I'm thinking about spring. On another note I have a summer's worth of pictures to share with you, which I will hopefully get to later today or tomorrow. Which long-time readers know means "Next week if I remember, never if I do not". But I'll make a conscious effort!

Hopefully this rather long post makes up a little tiny bit for my prolonged absence!